Kerry_Frederick^1 In Books and Video from Nick Baer and Coach Karl

Enjoy more Books and DVDs featuring Kerry Frederick -
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Coach Karl - Wrestling Team

Coach Karl really knows how to train his team members. Let's start with the pre-season Singlet fitting, and Physical...

Starring - Kerry Frederick, Travis Pinelli, TD, Dan Mok, Brett Daley, Coach Karl.

Compilation DVDs such as this will include scenes from Kerry_Frederick's solo video(s).

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Hanging Loose with K-Fred

Hanging out with 22 yr old street wise Kerry Frederick. He jacks off his 7-inch cock, Coach Karl tickles him showing off his sweet ass, and Coach rewards Kerry with a massage and jack off...

Starring - Coach Karl, Kerry Frederick.

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Primal Man - Nude Photo Shoots 5

Primal Man - Nude Photo Shoots 5

Starring - Ang Lei, Damien Black, Kris King, Kenny Haare, Kerry Frederick, Josh Catchings.

Compilation DVDs such as this will include scenes from Kerry_Frederick's solo video(s).

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Primal Man - I Dream Of Being Tickled Nude TOO

A Jock's most sensual dream is that of being tickled by his Coach.

Starring - Ang Lei, Austin Power, George Ah, Kevin Sampson, Kerry Frederick, Martin Ayes, Coach Karl.

Compilation DVDs such as this will include scenes from Kerry_Frederick's solo video(s).

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Primal Man - Jocks Shower Time

After a hard workout, jocks head for the shower. Are you ready...?

Starring - Austin Power, Clift, Josh Catchings, Kerry Frederick, Martin Ayes.

Compilation DVDs such as this will include scenes from Kerry_Frederick's solo video(s).

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Primal Man - Nude Massage 2

After practice, Coach Karl attends to the strained and tense muscles of his star players!

Starring - Brett Daley, Chris Dillon, Kerry Frederick, Logan Maddox.

Compilation DVDs such as this will include scenes from Kerry_Frederick's solo video(s).

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Coach Karl's B Squad Jack Off Practice

Coach Karl's B Squad is the B Squad for a good reason... although once they get the hang (or hung) of things, they should be on the A Team any week now. With every practice, they are jacking off better and farther.

Starring - Dominik, Gabriel, Kerry Frederick, Leo Lyon, Eric Miller, Coach Karl.

Compilation DVDs such as this will include scenes from Kerry_Frederick's solo video(s).

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Coach Karl's Skater Squad Jacks

That crazy Coach Karl is so bright! Instead of being mad at the skater punks who make so much noise with their boards in the parking lot, he recruits them to be on the first-ever skater squad.

First, he calls a team meeting for everyone to come together.

Starring - Austin Power, Chris Carter, Martin Ayes, Kerry Frederick, Kenny Haare, Jayden Holloway, Coach Karl.

Compilation DVDs such as this will include scenes from Kerry_Frederick's solo video(s).

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Male Nude Photography- Men's Hands 2006

Nick Baer's third collection of men's hands - two dozen models show off their hands, strategically placed at their hips. No two men's hands are alike, nor are their bodies. Including Quinoa, Mike Reddev, Chris Roc, Jack London, Goth Jason, Ang Lei, Josh Catchings, Goth Artist, George Ah, David Nick, Kenny Haare, Alec Paul, Kerry Frederick, Austin Power, Kevin Sampson, Martin Ayes, Christopher Steal, Tony Quin, Christian Hunt, Chris Carter, Erin O'Shay, Jayden Holloway, Gabriel James, Frankie Ordiales, Leo Lyon, Dominik, Johnny. Full frontal male nudity, color, 38 pages.

Starring - Quinoa, Mike Reddev, Chris Roc, Jack London, GothJason, Ang Lei, Josh Catchings, Goth Artist, George Ah, David Nick, Kenny Haare, Alec Paul, Kerry Frederick, Austin Power, Kevin Sampson, Martin Ayes, Christopher Steal, Tony Quin, Christian Hunt, Chris Carter, Erin O'Shay, Jayden Holloway, Gabriel James, Frankie Ordiales, Leo Lyon, Dominik, Johnny.

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Male Nude Photography- Men 2006 The All Stars

Nick Baer's portfolio collection of male nudes taken in 2006. Included are individual images of models who are also featured in their solo pictorial books here, as well as digital stills of the key actors from Nick Baer's cinema video "The Naked Producers in Blue Frost, Kansas", which is available on DVD .

Starring - anonymous, David Nick, Kris King, Kenny Haare, Alec Paul, Kerry Frederick, Austin Power, Martin Ayes, Christopher Steal, Mike Reddev, Christian Hunt, Chris Carter, Erin O'Shay, Gabriel James, Pretentius, Raalf, Damien Black, Mr Paul Hobfostent, Ellie.

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Male Nude Photography- Men 2006

Nick Baer continues his portfolio collection of fine art male nude models, with his picks for 2006. Two dozen men, athletes, artists, from various parts of the world: Caucasian, Hispanic, Asian, South American, Mid-Eastern. Full frontal male nudity, color, 40 pages. On some websites, Dylan Jordan is known as Jeremy Steele and/or Jordan Banks.

Starring - anonymous, Sonny Delight, Dylan Jordan, Josh Catchings, Logan Maddox, Goth Artist, Ang Lei, George Ah, Gabriel, Matt Kinney, Kerry Frederick, Travis Pinelli, Mickey Black, Jose, Percy, Johnny, Brad Riley, Maximilliano, Frankie Ordiales, Dantes, Dominik, Leo Lyon, Phillips.

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Male Nude Photography- Men's Feet

Famed photographer Nick Baer presents his first collection of men's bare feet. Of course, there's more bare than just the men's feet! Two dozen male models, in fine art poses, athletes and artists, of different ethnic backgrounds. Full frontal male nudity, color, 40 pages.

Starring - Quinoa, Gabriel, Mike Reddev, Jack London, Ang Lei, Sonny Delight, Josh Catchings, Dutch, GothJason, TZ, Goth Artist, Matt Kinney, David Nick, George Ah, Kris King, Kenny Haare, Bryan, Alec Paul, Kerry Frederick, Gavin Elias, Austin Power, anonymous, Martin Ayes, Christopher Steal, Dan Mok.

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Male Nude Photography- Men's Feet II

Famed photographer Nick Baer presents another collection of men's bare feet. Of course, there's more bare than just the men's feet! Nineteen male models, in fine art poses, athletes and artists, of different ethnic backgrounds. Full frontal male nudity, color, 40 pages.

Starring - Mike Reddev, Dawson, anonymous, Christian Hunt, Chris Carter, Erin O'Shay, Tony Quin, Travis Pinelli, Gabriel, Dantes, Maximilliano, Frankie Ordiales, Phillips, Leo Lyon, Steven Mason, Kerry Frederick, Jose, Percy, Mike Reddev.

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Male Nude Photography- Men's Feet

Famed photographer Nick Baer presents his first collection of men's bare feet. Of course, there's more bare than just the men's feet! Two dozen male models, in fine art poses, athletes and artists, of different ethnic backgrounds. Full frontal male nudity, color, 40 pages.

Starring - Quinoa, Gabriel, Mike Reddev, Jack London, Ang Lei, Sonny Delight, Josh Catchings, Dutch, GothJason, TZ, Goth Artist, Matt Kinney, David Nick, George Ah, Kris King, Kenny Haare, Bryan, Alec Paul, Kerry Frederick, Gavin Elias, Austin Power, anonymous, Martin Ayes, Christopher Steal, Dan Mok.

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Male Nude Photography- Men 2007

Photographer Nick Baer presents his all star models for 2007! Thirty-six models, in their 20s and 30s, athletic and artistic models, of a variety of ethnic backgrounds. Full frontal male nudity, color, 40 pages.

Starring - Ron Magic, Dominik, Kevin Sampson, Jude Anthony, Jacob Reisling, Phillips, Damian Norris, Chris Roc, Dr Ray, Austin Power, Brad Slater, Jason Forest, GothJason, Mark Lance, Steven Mason, Jerry Angelo, Kerry Frederick, Mike Reddev, Jayden Holloway, Tony Quin, Rock Hardson, Dick Ballin, Zen Takai, Tim Hardway, Dan MacBeth, Dustin Montgomery, Rocco Gabriell, Mark Galfione, Dean Marquez, Mr Thorn, Scott Reeves, Paul Whiting, Tristan Dempsey, Danny Diamond, Camden DeMarko, Robbie Ryan, Kaiser Yonge, Kurt Kanyon, Mr Divine.

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Male Nude Photography- Kerry 19 20 & 21

Photographer Nick Baer presents a portfolio of photos of actor/model Kerry Frederick, from three shoots when Kerry was ages 19, 20 and 21. We see a growing maturity, in body development and hair styles. Full frontal male nudity, color, 40 pages.

Starring - Kerry Owens HB, Kerry Owens, Kerry Frederick.

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Primal Man The A Squad's Bare Feet

Calling all admirer's of men's bare and naked feet! Here's an hour of jocks bare feet... bare, naked, on display and being massaged. Kerry Frederick, Martin Ayes, David Nick, Paul Whiting, Rock Hardson, and their Coach Karl.

Starring - Kenny Haare, Kerry Frederick, Martin Ayes, David Nick, Paul Whiting, Rock Hardson.

Compilation DVDs such as this will include scenes from Kerry_Frederick's solo video(s).

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Male Nude Photography- Touch Your Toes The Rear View

Nick Baer's intimate portraits of nude male models in the Touch Your Toes pose - from the rear view perspective. Full frontal - and rear - male nudity, color, 44 pages.

Starring - Candyman, Jack London, Trey Porter, Christopher Pavluv, Ang Lei, Bryce Buxton, Sonny Delight, Dr Ray, Josh Catchings, Eryk Elliott, George Ah, Paul Banyan, Dan MacBeth, David Nick, Derek Davidson, Kenny Haare, Dylan Skylar, Christopher Steal, Joey J, Kerry Frederick, Martin Ayes, Gavin Elias, Kevin Sampson, Bryce Van Ryan, Tim Hardway, Travis Pinelli, Kyle Kasota, Christian Hunt, Mike Reddev, Lil Zany, Beau Michael Williams, Austin Power, Jayden Holloway, Rock Hardson, Erin O'Shay, Adrian, Dick Ballin, Daniel Takahashi, Dean Marquez, Dustin Montgomery.

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Male Nude Photography- Touch Your Toes The Rear View Too

Nick Baer's intimate portraits of nude male models in the Touch Your Toes pose - from the rear view perspective. Full frontal - and rear - male nudity, color, 38 pages. (On some sites, Gabriel Steele is known as Micah Andrews.)

Starring - Aleks, Alex Bretz, Brad Riley, Brent, Brian Gabriel, Chris Carter, Damian Norris, Dan Mok, Daniel Takahashi, Derek Davidson, Diskiie, Gabriel James, Gabriel Steele, Gabriel, Hal Jordan, Hapcio, J-Weezi, Jack Michaels, Jack Wojack, James Frazier, James Longtree, Joe Cannon, Joe Owens, Joey J, Kerry Frederick, Kyle Kasota, Lance Rivers, Lil Zany, Logan Maddox, Martin from Poland, Mason Scott, Mergoo, Mike Reddev, Mr Babylon, Paul Banyan.

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Male Nude Photography- Touch Your Toes - The Rear View (7x10)

Nick Baer's intimate portraits of nude male models in the Touch Your Toes pose - from the rear view perspective. Full frontal - and rear - male nudity, color, 44 pages.

Starring - Candyman, Jack London, Trey Porter, Christopher Pavluv, Ang Lei, Bryce Buxton, Sonny Delight, Dr Ray, Josh Catchings, Eryk Elliott, George Ah, Paul Banyan, Dan MacBeth, David Nick, Derek Davidson, Kenny Haare, Dylan Skylar, Christopher Steal, Joey J, Kerry Frederick, Martin Ayes, Gavin Elias, Kevin Sampson, Bryce Van Ryan, Tim Hardway, Travis Pinelli, Kyle Kasota, Christian Hunt, Mike Reddev, Lil Zany, Beau Michael Williams, Austin Power, Jayden Holloway, Rock Hardson, Erin O'Shay, Adrian, Dick Ballin, Daniel Takahashi, Dean Marquez, Dustin Montgomery.

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Male Nude Photography- Men 2006 The All Stars (7x10)

Nick Baer's portfolio collection of male nudes taken in 2006. Included are individual images of models who are also featured in their solo pictorial books here, as well as digital stills of the key actors from Nick Baer's cinema video "The Naked Producers in Blue Frost, Kansas", which is available on DVD .

Starring - anonymous, David Nick, Kris King, Kenny Haare, Alec Paul, Kerry Frederick, Austin Power, Martin Ayes, Christopher Steal, Mike Reddev, Christian Hunt, Chris Carter, Erin O'Shay, Gabriel James, Pretentius, Raalf, Damien Black, Mr Paul Hobfostent, Ellie.

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Male Nude Photography- Men 2006 (7x10)

Nick Baer continues his portfolio collection of fine art male nude models, with his picks for 2006. Two dozen men, athletes, artists, from various parts of the world: Caucasian, Hispanic, Asian, South American, Mid-Eastern. Full frontal male nudity, color, 40 pages. On some websites, Dylan Jordan is known as Jeremy Steele and/or Jordan Banks.

Starring - anonymous, Sonny Delight, Dylan Jordan, Josh Catchings, Logan Maddox, Goth Artist, Ang Lei, George Ah, Gabriel, Matt Kinney, Kerry Frederick, Travis Pinelli, Mickey Black, Jose, Percy, Johnny, Brad Riley, Maximilliano, Frankie Ordiales, Dantes, Dominik, Leo Lyon, Phillips.

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Male Nude Photography- Men 2007 (7x10)

Photographer Nick Baer presents his all star models for 2007! Thirty-six models, in their 20s and 30s, athletic and artistic models, of a variety of ethnic backgrounds. Full frontal male nudity, color, 40 pages.

Starring - Ron Magic, Dominik, Kevin Sampson, Jude Anthony, Jacob Reisling, Phillips, Damian Norris, Chris Roc, Dr Ray, Austin Power, Brad Slater, Jason Forest, GothJason, Mark Lance, Steven Mason, Jerry Angelo, Kerry Frederick, Mike Reddev, Jayden Holloway, Tony Quin, Rock Hardson, Dick Ballin, Zen Takai, Tim Hardway, Dan MacBeth, Dustin Montgomery, Rocco Gabriell, Mark Galfione, Dean Marquez, Mr Thorn, Scott Reeves, Paul Whiting, Tristan Dempsey, Danny Diamond, Camden DeMarko, Robbie Ryan, Kaiser Yonge, Kurt Kanyon, Mr Divine.

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Male Nude Photography- Touch Your Toes The Rear View Too (7x10)

Nick Baer's intimate portraits of nude male models in the Touch Your Toes pose - from the rear view perspective. Full frontal - and rear - male nudity, color, 38 pages. (On some sites, Gabriel Steele is known as Micah Andrews.)

Starring - Aleks, Alex Bretz, Brad Riley, Brent, Brian Gabriel, Chris Carter, Damian Norris, Dan Mok, Daniel Takahashi, Derek Davidson, Diskiie, Gabriel James, Gabriel Steele, Gabriel, Hal Jordan, Hapcio, J-Weezi, Jack Michaels, Jack Wojack, James Frazier, James Longtree, Joe Cannon, Joe Owens, Joey J, Kerry Frederick, Kyle Kasota, Lance Rivers, Lil Zany, Logan Maddox, Martin from Poland, Mason Scott, Mergoo, Mike Reddev, Mr Babylon, Paul Banyan.

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Male Nude Photography- Men's Feet (7x10)

Famed photographer Nick Baer presents his first collection of men's bare feet. Of course, there's more bare than just the men's feet! Two dozen male models, in fine art poses, athletes and artists, of different ethnic backgrounds. Full frontal male nudity, color, 40 pages.

Starring - Quinoa, Gabriel, Mike Reddev, Jack London, Ang Lei, Sonny Delight, Josh Catchings, Dutch, GothJason, TZ, Goth Artist, Matt Kinney, David Nick, George Ah, Kris King, Kenny Haare, Bryan, Alec Paul, Kerry Frederick, Gavin Elias, Austin Power, anonymous, Martin Ayes, Christopher Steal, Dan Mok.

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Male Nude Photography- Men's Feet II (7x10)

Famed photographer Nick Baer presents another collection of men's bare feet. Of course, there's more bare than just the men's feet! Nineteen male models, in fine art poses, athletes and artists, of different ethnic backgrounds. Full frontal male nudity, color, 40 pages.

Starring - Mike Reddev, Dawson, anonymous, Christian Hunt, Chris Carter, Erin O'Shay, Tony Quin, Travis Pinelli, Gabriel, Dantes, Maximilliano, Frankie Ordiales, Phillips, Leo Lyon, Steven Mason, Kerry Frederick, Jose, Percy, Mike Reddev.

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Male Nude Photography- Men's Hands 2006 (7x10)

Nick Baer's third collection of men's hands - two dozen models show off their hands, strategically placed at their hips. No two men's hands are alike, nor are their bodies. Including Quinoa, Mike Reddev, Chris Roc, Jack London, Goth Jason, Ang Lei, Josh Catchings, Goth Artist, George Ah, David Nick, Kenny Haare, Alec Paul, Kerry Frederick, Austin Power, Kevin Sampson, Martin Ayes, Christopher Steal, Tony Quin, Christian Hunt, Chris Carter, Erin O'Shay, Jayden Holloway, Gabriel James, Frankie Ordiales, Leo Lyon, Dominik, Johnny. Full frontal male nudity, color, 38 pages.

Starring - Quinoa, Mike Reddev, Chris Roc, Jack London, GothJason, Ang Lei, Josh Catchings, Goth Artist, George Ah, David Nick, Kenny Haare, Alec Paul, Kerry Frederick, Austin Power, Kevin Sampson, Martin Ayes, Christopher Steal, Tony Quin, Christian Hunt, Chris Carter, Erin O'Shay, Jayden Holloway, Gabriel James, Frankie Ordiales, Leo Lyon, Dominik, Johnny.

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Male Nude Photography- Men's Feet (7x10)

Famed photographer Nick Baer presents his first collection of men's bare feet. Of course, there's more bare than just the men's feet! Two dozen male models, in fine art poses, athletes and artists, of different ethnic backgrounds. Full frontal male nudity, color, 40 pages.

Starring - Quinoa, Gabriel, Mike Reddev, Jack London, Ang Lei, Sonny Delight, Josh Catchings, Dutch, GothJason, TZ, Goth Artist, Matt Kinney, David Nick, George Ah, Kris King, Kenny Haare, Bryan, Alec Paul, Kerry Frederick, Gavin Elias, Austin Power, anonymous, Martin Ayes, Christopher Steal, Dan Mok.

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Male Nude Photography- Jock Massage IV (7x10)

Coach Karl's jocks enjoy an after game massage. Digital stills from Coach Karl's nude male massage video DVDs. Full frontal male nudity, color, 50 pages.

Starring - Joe Gabriel, Joe Owens, Johnny Joe, Johnny, Josh Catchings, Jude Anthony, Kaiser Yonge, Kerry Frederick, Kevin Sampson, Kurt Kanyon, Lil Zany, Mark Lance, Martin Ayes, Coach Karl.

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